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Keces P8

04.08.2017 // Dirk Sommer

One of the positive aspects in streaming for me – the respective settings of the app have to be activated of course – is the fact that while searching for certain tracks one regularly encounters long forgotten covers: This time, the bird on the cover of Albert Mangelsdorffs Triplicity, with Arild Anderson on bass and Pierre Favre on drums, made me pause for a moment. The virtuoso’s trombone, while played through SoulM, Keces, Mutec and Mytec, and not to forget the Acapellas, sounded incredibly powerful and energetic, yet still colourful and fluent. In "Green Shading Into Blue", it is Arild Anderson's gripping double-bass playing with its percussive attacks and melodic passages that particularly fascinates. After savouring this short indulging trip into jazzy euphony, I get back to one of the usual test records: On Patrick Heral's "Improvisation", taken from Le Concert De Parfums, the P8 lets the SoulM create a much deeper room and unwind the playback substantially faster, while the low frequency range of drums and timpani sounds more flashy and nuanced - yes, this simply reveals more character. This isn’t a question of marginal differences, such as those caused by the use of better component feet. Here the improvements are much more drastic: Sonically speaking, I probably never came across a better spent 300 euros – as this is the price difference between the Keces DC-116 and the P8. However, at this moment I shouldn’t be too enthusiastic with such exuberant praise: There is no guarantee that the better sound probably doesn’t relate to the fact that now separate Keces power supplies are used for converter and server.

The interior of the P8 is dominated by a large toroidal transformer. The voltage regulators are located on the heat sinks left and right of the capacitor banks
The interior of the P8 is dominated by a large toroidal transformer. The voltage regulators are located on the heat sinks left and right of the capacitor banks

So I disconnect the Mytek Brooklyn from the DC-116, and connect it to the P8 instead and re-play the "Improvisation", since I have just been listening to it: The increase in spatial depth is almost unbelievable! From the Melco, the Aries Femto and the Chord DAVE I know into which spaciousness this track can take you, but from the SoulM and the Mytek, combined with Keces and Mutec, I yet haven’t heard such an impressive spatial imaging. Impressive, how meticulously the Violon VI reveals any improvement carried out at the front-end. To mention that the Brooklyn immensively benefits also in all other hi-fi disciplines from the power supply effected through the P8, seems to me quite pointless here. Instead, I better start enjoying some well-known and rediscovered records in extremely high quality also in the living room now!


The fact that the quality of a power supply significantly influences the sound is known by everyone who even randomly is involved in hi-fi and high-end. Of course, this is also the case with digital source components. But that the Keces for just about 700 euros transforms already very good components like the SoulM and the Mytek Brooklyn into affordable high-end jewels, I never would have thought this could be possible: This is a real experience!
Gehört mit
Music server SoulM w/ Keces DC-116
Clock generator Mutec MC-3+ Smart Clock USB
D/A converter Mytek Brooklyn w/ Keces DC-116
Pre amp Brinkmann Marconi
Power amp Eintein The Poweramp
Loudspeaker Acapella Violon VI
Cables Swiss Cables Reference (Plus), Habst Ultra III, Audioquest Diamond, SunWire Reference
Accessories Einstein The Octopus, HighEndNovum Multivocal Resonator, Harmonix feet, Audioquest Jitterbug, Franc Audio accessories and Acoustic System feet
Keces P8
DC output voltage Single versions: 9/12V, 19/20V, Dual versions: 5/7V and 9/12V, 9/12V and 12/15V, 9/12V and 18/19V, 9/12V and 20/24V additionally 1 x USB (5V, 1A)
DC connector 2,1mm Barrel, adapter supplied by distributor
AC input voltage 115V 60Hz / 230V 50Hz, switchable
Enclosure Aluminium
Dimensions (W/H/D) 300/78/240mm
Gewicht kg
Price 700 euros
Robert Ross Audiophile Produkte GmbH
Address Alemannenstr. 23
85095 Denkendorf
Phone +49 8466 905030
Email r.ross@robertross.de
Web www.robertross.de

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